The sinner’s prayer has become a common practice in many churches. Preachers, pastors and evangelists round off their gospel messages by making altar calls. Nonbelievers who hear the Word of God are urged to surrender their lives to Christ by faith. This action is often followed by the sinner’s prayer. But what is wrong with the sinner’s prayer?

The sinner’s prayer is a prayer a sinner says to ask God for forgiveness, receive Jesus into their heart and commit to living the new life. When sinners say this prayer, preachers and congregations believe they have become part of the family of God. The sinner goes home with the assurance that they are born again and are citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Why the Sinner’s Prayer Could be Wrong

While some Christians support the sinner’s prayer, others say it is wrong to say the sinner’s prayer. This debate is a hot one, and is not stopping anytime soon. The reason is that the sinner’s prayer could lead to false hope in Christ or what many call counterfeit salvation. However, to answer the question, we must refer to the Bible. So what is wrong with the sinner’s prayer according to the Bible?

Only Jesus Christ Saves 

The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. No prayer can save us, no matter how scriptural. No method has the power to make us right with God. Salvation comes from Jesus, resides in Jesus, and is given by Jesus. Putting our faith in a specific prayer or strategy has the tendency to take our focus off Jesus Christ. It will be a spiritual disaster to have faith in the sinner’s prayer more than in Christ Himself.

The sad part is that many modern preachers focus on prosperity, healing and miracles. They spend time telling their congregations about their earthly wealth. When they come to the end of the sermon, they make a call to salvation. In the end, sinners say a prayer and have no idea what salvation means. This could give them the impression that the sinner’s prayer is merely a way to obtain any promise of God. All they have to do is say a prayer and then claim the promise of healing, wealth or miracle.

Salvation is found only in believing in Jesus. The Son of God willingly sacrificed Himself to obtain salvation for us all. A true gospel message focuses on Jesus and what He did for humanity on the cross of Calvary. Jesus is the Only One God appointed to give salvation to the world. Our message should direct sinners to look up to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. It is good to pray, but it must be done with complete faith in the finished work of Christ. There is no salvation in any prayer or object, only in Christ.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. – Acts 4:12 KJV

Bible Forbids Repetitive Prayers 

The Bible doesn’t encourage the use of another’s prayer word for word. We are not to copy Psalm 51 and say it exactly as David did. David was a different person, and we are different people. The patterns of David’s sins are different from ours. Even if they look the same, there is always something particular about the sin each person commits.

Only you can tell God how you feel. No one can do the job better than you. That’s why relying on the prayer of other people won’t always work. It takes you to frame your own prayer yourself the way it affects your life. God already knows what’s on your mind, but He wants you to say it exactly as it is in your heart. 

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do : for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. – Matthew 6:7-8 

We may take a clue from David’s prayer of repentance to form our own prayer. But reciting David’s prayer or trusting in the sinner’s prayer cannot bring salvation. True repentance and conversion take place when we seek God from our hearts and call on Him in our own way.

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. [13] And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:12-13 KJV

Prayer Formula Does Not Save

No form of prayer can save the sinner. Even the usual belief that there is power in prayer can deceive. Prayer is effective only because God answers it. The moment we put faith in prayer rather than in God, we miss the point. No prayer recital can save anyone. No special words can give the sinner eternal life. Repeating words after the pastor may produce some religious feelings. Yet these things don’t save the soul of the sinner.

Many people say the sinner’s prayer with all their heart. The only problem is that they do it without putting faith in the Savior. The sinner’s prayer is just their own way to escape the condemnation in their conscience. These people go back home to live in sin and continue in their spiritual struggles.

The sinner is justified only by faith in Jesus Christ. God does not look at our finest prayers. He looks for our faith in the death of His Son. Only Jesus Christ could satisfy the requirements of the law. Through believing in Him, we share in that righteousness and perfection. When the sinner prays on that basis, God forgives and forgets all trespasses. 

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9 KJV

What God Wants in the Sinner

God wants sinners to make prayers in sincerity, honesty and truth. He wants them to pray with humility of heart for forgiveness and pardon. No proud person has ever prayed and received mercy from God. Jesus told us a story of two people who went to pray in the temple. One was a pharisee, and the other was a publican or tax collector. 

The Pharisee relied on his own righteousness and good works and God rejected his prayer. The publican was too ashamed to look up to heaven, and with a broken heart, he asked God to forgive him. Jesus concluded the story by stating that the humble publican went home forgiven. 

“I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” – Luke 18:14 KJV


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