The Bible says so much about faith. Faith is one of the qualities God wants to see in the lives of those who worship Him. God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because of their faith. Moses, Joshua and David all had faith in God. No man or woman ever walks successfully with God without some measure of faith. Believing that God exists and rewards those who seek Him is a qualification for a strong and fruitful relationship with God (Hebrews 11:6). When faith is absent or unstable, we struggle to live as Christians. Here’s what God says about faith:
James 1:6-8 (kjv)
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
What then is the spiritual meaning of faith, what is the importance of faith, and what are the three characteristics of faith?
According to the Bible, faith is a confident trust in God which expresses itself through obedience, love and loyalty. Faith means accepting the existence of God, agreeing with God’s Word and appreciating a life of absolute faith in the invisible Almighty God (John 20:29). True faith must have these essential qualities to be called biblical faith.
Faith is a strong assurance in our hearts that God truly lives, created us, loves us and wants the best for us (Hebrews 11:1-6). It is these facts that make our trust firm and unshakable. When we trust someone, we show it through our attitude. When we trust God, it shows in our thoughts, actions and words. That’s why faith according to the Bible has three characteristics.
3 Characteristics of Faith
1. Obedience to God
One of the characteristics of faith is obedience. Faith in God requires obedience (John 14:21). If we believe that God is real and true, then we obey Him without doubt. We do not doubt His words and we trust His words as much as we trust Him. We cannot claim to have true faith if we still struggle to obey. It is like telling God that we know He exists and has unlimited power but cannot save or help us.
If we have faith according to the Bible, we will step out of our shell, shame, sin and guilt and trust God to help us. We must take that bold step to show our faith in God. It is like seeing a strong chair and unwilling to sit in it because you’re afraid it is not strong enough to carry you. Or it is like walking on a concrete bridge and still live in the fear that it may collapse under your feet.
If we have faith in God, we must also believe in His promises and not be afraid that they may fail (Romans 4:20) If God is real, then His words and promises are real. If God is strong, then His words and promises are strong. If God is supernatural, then His words and promises are supernatural. If God and His words are real, then He will make His presence real to those who trust and obey Him.
Isaiah 55:8-9 (kjv)
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
2. Love Towards God
Another characteristic of faith is love. Faith expresses itself through our love towards God. We cannot trust someone we don’t know. We trust only people we know and approve. This trust leads us to obedience, and obedience makes us love the person we trust.
John 14:15 (kjv)
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Love and obedience go together when we have faith according to the Bible. Love is a characteristic of faith we must always demonstrate. Our faith makes us read and study God’s Word everyday. We want to know more about the Person we trust and obey. We want to discover what we can do to show our faith in a deeper way. We talk about Him to friends and family. We pray and tell Him what we have in our minds. We don’t try to hide anything from Him. We know that He knows what is in our hearts already.
We show our faith in God by loving the people around us. We don’t fear what people might say or do against us. We know that God is with us and He is the most powerful being on earth. We do good to others, knowing that He is our great benefactor. We have His presence in us and with us. So we don’t live in fear like everyone else. We go about our daily lives with the assurance that His promises will come to pass on our lives. We have this confidence because we know He loves us more than we will ever love Him. It was this love that made Him give us His Son, Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:32 (kjv)
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
3. Loyalty to God
Loyalty to God is a characteristic of faith we must not ignore if we want to succeed in our relationship with God. Without loyalty, other characteristics of faith will lose their qualities. True obedience and love express themselves through an unwavering loyalty. What we do or say when we are weak, sick or sad is as important as what we say or do when life is good. Our loyalty to God must not waver in any circumstance or situation. If God is real and true, we must wait on Him.
The sadness we feel doesn’t make God untrue. The pain we experience doesn’t erase the existence of God. The unkind and hateful words people say doesn’t change who God is. God remains God at all times. He doesn’t run away or change because of the economy, disasters or personal loss of men and women. God will never deny the things He said in His Word, the Bible.
Most importantly, we demonstrate loyalty to God by worshiping Him alone. We do not consider any other object of worship. We stand with the One True God. We give Him the honor, praise and glory He deserves specially from all His creatures. All these we must do exactly as God commands, not as we want. This is true faith expressed through an unwavering loyalty.
Finally, faith according to the Scriptures is a strong confident assurance and trust in the existence and power of God. We show our faith in God by our obedience, love and loyalty. With these three characteristics of faith, we are sure to experience all the benefits of knowing and worshiping God in truth and in spirit.