Healing prayers can bring you the relief you need. Nothing can stand the power of prayer, especially when it is made in faith. Prayer should be our first response when sicknesses or diseases show up. The world is filled with all kinds of afflictions. Sometimes these problems come to us without any knowledge why. This should not make us worry or feel sad. God can heal us no matter where the sickness comes from. By praying prayers of faith and calling on the name of Jesus Christ, we are sure of perfect and complete healing of our body, soul and spirit.
Acts 10:38 (kjv)
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
Healing is yours today because of Jesus. Deliverance is sure for you because of the sacrifice of the Son of God. God will heal you right here and now because Jesus has paid the price for your healing, health and general well-being (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24).
The Scriptures encourage us to be bold enough to pray because our healing is real and true. God made it possible to be healed anytime and anyday. From the time Jesus paid the price, God made provisions for the healing of the sick and hurting. Therefore, pray in faith and do not doubt. Healing is possible if you believe.
James 5:15 (kjv)
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Simple Prayers for Quick Healing
Father in heaven, all good things come from you. Healing comes you. Health comes from you. Restoration of strength and liveliness comes from you as well. I believe in your power to heal and restore my health. I believe that all things are possible to you. I believe that all things are possible to me if only I believe. I believe in healing and divine health. I believe that healing is mine today and now. Thank you, Father, for the healing I receive iin the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord Jesus, you paid the price for my healing. I believe the story of the cross. I believe in the power of your name. I believe that when I call on your name, sicknesses and diseases will bow. Lord, as I mention your name today, heal me and restore my health completely.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I claim my healing from sicknesses. I believe it in my heart and say it out with my mouth. Healing is mine. I can feel it. I can sense it. My body is getting healed. My mind is getting healed. My bones, tissues and skin are getting healed. God is restoring my lost health and strength. He is doing it now and it is happening now. Thank you, Lord, for your healing power over me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I take dominion over the sources of my physical, mental and emotional sicknesses. I command the sources to dry up right now. I command their effects over me to stop right now by the authority in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare myself free from the power of these forces. Christ made me free, therefore I am free and free indeed in the name of Jesus Christ.
I stand on the promises of God for my healing. God has promised to heal me and He is doing it right now. He does not lie because He cannot lie. His healing promises are real. His healing power is real. I feel His healing in my body and mind. I am healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
God is healing my head and everything in my head. My eyes, nose, mouth, ears and neck are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord is healing my body and everything in it right now. My chest, belly and waist are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
God is healing my arm and everything in it. My shoulders, hands, wrists, palms and fingers are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
God is healing my legs and everything in it right now. My inner thighs, organs, laps, knees, ankles and toes are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
All my digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems are healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Warfare Prayers Against Spirits of Sicknesses and Diseases
In the name of Jesus Christ, I arrest, bind and cast out the spirits of sickness and disease sent to torment me. You evil spirits, come out and never return in the name of Jesus Christ.
I send the fire of the Holy Spirit to the camp of the demons responsible for this sickness. May the fire of God consume them and silence them forever in the name of Jesus Christ.
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against the demons of sickness m, disease and weakness. I neutralize their power and break their stronghold over me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I command the demon responsible for this sickness called ______ (mention the sickness) to leave me right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
I command every sickness and disease attached to my family history to disappear in the name of Jesus Christ.
I close all the doors where sicknesses and diseases enter. I decree that no sickness will have power over me henceforth in the name of Jesus Christ.
I overthrow and overcome every old and new sickness. I overthrow and overcome every past, present and future sickness. I overthrow and overcome every major and minor sickness in the name of Jesus Christ.
I decree that from today this body is the temple of health, liveliness, strength and of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
I break every link with sickness created by my parents or by me. I renounce every agreement with sickness made by me in my times of weakness, carelessness, faithlessness or discouragement in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pronounce long life and good health upon my body, soul, spirit and mind in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, thank you for healing me right here and now. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am HEALED in Jesus’ name.
I am HEALED in Jesus’ name.
I am HEALED in Jesus’ name.