“Pray without ceasing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV
Prayer helps us to get answers from God. Since no human being can see tomorrow, prayer becomes important in every decision we make. Before taking any step in life, we need to carried God along. This is because the devil and the world are working tirelessly to push us into making wrong choices, especially in the area of marriage.
Another reason we need to pray is that not everyone who professes to be a Christian is truly a Christian. So many people are hypocrites and pretenders sent by the devil to take us away from the destiny God has for us. Their ultimate mission is to make us suffer in this life and lose our place in the kingdom of God.
In addition, single Christians need to prayer against personal desires that stand in the way of God’s will for them in marriage. Sometimes, we are our own enemy, not the devil or other people. Our desires, preferences, pride and arrogance can bring calamity upon us.
That’s why praying the right prayers now is important to avoid making the wrong decisions and taking the wrong steps.
Marriage Prayer Points for Single Believers
1. Prayer of Forgiveness
Oh Lord, please forgive me of all my mistakes and deliver me from every secret relationship that is not your will for my life. I break every unchristian agreement that wants to blind my eyes from seeing, knowing and accepting the will of God when it comes, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Prayer Against Laziness
I reject the spirit of laziness and idleness that wants to make me useless and a liability to others. Dear Father, You said that with every temptation, you make a way of escape. Grant me an open door to make something valuable out of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Praying for the Spirit of God
Holy Spirit, I open my heart for You to come in and stay. Help me to know God more and learn to hear His voice when He speaks. Give me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will help me fulfill my destiny on earth in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Prayer for Spiritual Discernment
Father, forgive me for being stubborn when it comes to accepting the will of God. Open my hearts and spiritual eyes to identify your marriage arrangement for me. May I not miss it, and if I had already missed it, help me not to miss it again, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Prayer for Proper Behavior
In the name of Jesus Christ, I begin to deliver myself from every improper behavior that sends the wrong message to the opposite sex. I purge my entire life with the blood of Jesus, and I submit my entire body, soul and spirit to the will of God, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Prayer for Mature Attitude
Loving Father, I thank you for all that my parents and guardians have done for me. Help me not to see marriage as an opportunity to break free from my parents’ control. Give me the grace to be mature in thought and action, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Prayer to See Things God’s Way
Father, the Bible says that your ways are not our ways neither are your thoughts our thoughts. I accept your way of doing things and humbly ask You to send to me the right person who will make me complete in every way in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. Prayer for God’s Will to be Done
Father, let only your will be done in my life. I surrender my personal choice and accept the perfect choice You have for me. Renew my mind and prepare me to accept the person you arrange for me. Let your will alone be done, not my will or the will of any other person. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
9. Prayer for Faith to Accept God’s Will
Heavenly Father, give me faith to trust and obey you. Remove anything in me that tries to kick against your marriage arrangement for me. Let no spirit, man or woman be able to stop or delay what you have for me in marriage. I believe in You, O Lord, and I know that my faith in You will be rewarded with something great and blessed.
10. Praying to Draw Closer to God
Father, I want to draw closer to You now that I am still single. Help me to know You more by drawing me nearer to You. Remove all the excuses that I may have for not being serious with my spiritual life. Set me free from laziness and the lack of hunger for spiritual things. Give me the desire to feed on your Word and to seek your face in prayer. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
11. Praying Against Materialism
Lord, help me not to worship riches and beauty or make them my gods. Clear out every hidden love of money and obsession with material things of this world. Give me a clean heart and pure intentions. Help me to see clearly when I meet the right person. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. Praying Against Worldliness and Carnality
Father, remove every worldly and carnal attitude towards marriage. Money is good but money is not everything. Cars and houses are good but they are not what truly make a happy marriage. I believe You will give me these things at the right time because You are the Good God. But right now, I want to get it right and not be blinded by the devil and my wrong desires. Therefore, cleanse my heart and make it able to choose right. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” – Mark 11:24 KJV