Finding a job in the UK is easy if you know where to look. Many people who want to relocate to the UK often worry about the chances of getting the right job. You don’t have to go through the same trouble. We will show you the best ways to find the job of your dreams. 


How to Find Job Vacancies in the UK 

There are many ways, methods and places to explore when in search for a job. Here are a good number of them to look into. 


Jobs Boards 

Job boards are online sites that are dedicated to posting job vacancies daily or weekly. Some of them focus on specific jobs only, eg engineering jobs only or teaching jobs only. Others may prefer to advertise all kinds of jobs irrespective of their fields or interests. Most job boards permit you to upload your cover letter updated CV so that you can easily forward it to employers whenever the kind of job you’re looking for appears. 

Some of the popular job boards are:



CV Library 



Job Notification Websites 

You can find jobs by signing up on job sites. These websites will send you notifications every time a job of your choice is available. Most job boards have this feature, and they make sure that you get alerts whenever jobs are posted on their websites. The great thing about these sites is that you have the options to set your email alerts or notifications based on interests, locations, experience or skills. This ensures that every alert you get are tailored to your experience, skill, location and interest.


Online Job Search 

You can search for jobs by using the UK government’s job portal. Here you’ll find hundreds of jobs that suit your experience and interest. You will also get information on local recruitments, training programs, contacts of companies, and the list of jobs where there are shortages.


Company’s Websites 

Many UK company’s have websites for their businesses. On this sites, they display the vision and mission of their companies. They also advertize products and services. Sometimes, you will find job vacancies for available roles. If you have some companies in mind, visit their websites regularly to check for job vacancies. 


Jobs Recruitment Agencies 

These are organizations whose main aim to is to help companies get the right employees whenever there are job vacancies to fill. Whether you are looking for part-time, full-time or temporary jobs, these agencies can help you find the right type. Some of these agencies specialise in specific professions, such as healthcare or finance. Others may involve themselves in all kinds of possible and available jobs you can ever imagine. That’s why you need to know how to find these agencies and check out what they have. Since we are in a tech era, many of these agencies now have websites or blogs where they match employees with the right jobs. 

Guidelines for Using Job Recruitment Agencies

  • Find out if they are into the kind of job you’re looking for 
  • Show up for an interview if the recruitment agency set up one
  • Be honest to tell them when you’re available for more information, discussion or contact 
  • Let them know that you will need regular feedback to know your application status 
  • Accept temporary or even part-time job if you can. Sometimes, they could lead a full-time job
  • Inform the recruitment agency about your education level, special abilities or professional skills and training such as computer skills and language proficiency 


Social Media Sites

There are several networking sites where you can showcase your education, training, skills and expertise. LinkedIn is one of those websites you need to take seriously. This site allows you to create a professional and job-targeted profile that show employers what you’re capable of doing. 

Apart from that, private people and recruitment agencies sometimes use this site to find the right people for a job. So it is advisable to create an attention grabbing profile and keep updating it whenever you acquire additional education, training or skills 


Local Council Sites

The local council website is another fertile place to find different reliable jobs in the UK. On their sites, you may also find programs and events that are targeted at advertising jobs, connecting employees to potential employers, or a training event that will upskill potential employees. 


Hidden Jobs

Some jobs, especially the juiciest ones, are usually not advertised on job boards. This could be because of the sensitive positions that need to be filled. Sometimes these vacancies are announced within the same company, leaving them in the hands of the employees to sort them out themselves. These employees may post these jobs on their personal social media handles or pages. Through networking and good online connections, you can come across some of these amazing job opportunities. 


Direct Contact with Employers 

You can choose the option of contacting the employer of your choice. This can be through a phone call, email, whatsApp message or a face-to-face visit. When you contact a potential employer directly, it gives you the opportunity to make a deep and lasting first impression. 

Tips on How to Contact Employers Directly 

  • Make sure you book an appointment befire going
  • If the employer is not available to see you, don’t show your disappointment or anger. Set another appointment and try again 
  • If the bar you from seeing anyone, take it calmly and say goodbye 
  • If you’re directed to the HR, supervisor or manager, accept it kindly and don’t get upset 
  • Ask the HR or anyone you are referred to about the job vacancies in their organization
  • Be prepared to answer any questions related to the company or job you’re looking for 
  • Make sure you have both hard copy and soft copy of your CV in case they ask for it


Job Fairs 

At job fairs, potential employers and recruitment agencies come to find the employees they need to fill job vacancies. There are so many job fairs, and you can find out when the next one will take place. Check out charities, universities, colleges, schools, career services and job centers. Sometimes, job fairs take place online on social media such as facebook, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn. 


Journals, Newspapers and Magazines 

Sometimes, jobs are posted in magazines, newspapers and journals. These could be websites or physical copies such as magazines or professional journals. Of they are printed forms, they may contain news, achievements and interests of companies or organizations. You will also find job vacancies whenever the beed arises. 

Good luck!

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